
Sunday, December 04, 2005

4th December 2005 Sunday

Watched "A Cinderella's Story" on video last night. Nice show. Somehow that show set me thinking. Thinking about being true to yourself and not pretending to be someone that you are not. Thinking about standing up for what you believe in. Thinking about fairy tales, whether they come true. I guess the importance of fairy tales lies not in whether they ever do exist. To me, their importance lies in the fact that they in themselves are a portrait of an ideal world, a world where the good live happily ever after and the bad always gets punished. To me, believing in the existence of fairy tales brings hope, a false hope and feel of living in an ideal world. A world where both you and me are main characters in the tale and not some insignificant character in a cruel world. A world where both you and me are princes and princesses. A world where happily ever after is a descriptor that exists. A world where we could be what we want to be. A world that does not exist......