
Friday, November 11, 2005

11th Novemeber 2005 Friday

I guess I must really write off my engine already. It is definitely seriously impaired. It has satisfied the definition of impairment and hence an impairment loss must definitely be recognized during this financial period. My engine used to be able to concentrate through hours of sifting through of the textbook in the past. Now, it hangs whenever I try to read beyond four consecutive pages of the textbook. Not to mention the occasional headcahes that hit me now and then. Tell me if my engine isn't impaired. Or maybe it just isn't given sufficient oil? Haiz. I don't know. I just know that I seem to have lost interest in studying. Well, that is upon the assumption that there was interest to start with. Was there? Don't ask me. I don't know. I don't even know why I chose accountancy as my choice of a course.

In a sense, I guess I have never known what I wanted in life. That is probably why I hesitated that much when a friend asked me what have I been chasing after in life? That question aside, I guess I probably don't even know how to answer if someone asked me what my hobbies are. Do I really have one? Well, I don't know. I just know that I probably lost my goal in life somewhere along life's journey. On another note, are the things that I am supposed to be chasing after now really the things that I want in life? Or am I just following the crowd in chasing after those things? Do I really want to be remembered as the one who scored As and outrun the crowd in the quest to an excellent honours? I don't know. I really don't know.