
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

1st June 2004 Tuesday

Some thoughts just came to mind today so thought I would just blog it down. As I was walking on my way to work today, I noticed that I have never really took a careful look at the world around me and appreciate them. Throughout my life I have been rushing from one place to another, rushing one thing after another. I have never really slowed down and appreciate the things and the people around me. Sad to say, I think that is what most people in the world are doing. If you are reading this, ask yourself, if the tree you so often passed by had withered, died and was chopped off, would you have noticed the loss? If the person who was always there for you suddenly just disappeared from your side one day, would you have things which you wanted to say to him/her but missed the chance to? Have you took a careful look at your parents and realised how fast they are aging? Have you really appreciated the machines you are using everyday even the computer you are staring into now? You might be surprised at how you never ever took notice of these things and people that are always beside you and are perhaps the most important things and people in your life.

Try this. Try taking a slower pace and spend some time looking at and appreciating the things and people around you, the sky, the trees, the birds, your friends, family even enemies. Isn't the fact that they are standing there, right beside you a marvellous thing? You might hate yourself for not having noticed these things earlier. You might learn more than you can imagine. You might never be able to go back to your busy pace and ignore these things and people so dear to you again. Or you might ignore these words and go back to your busy life thinking what an idiot I am. Whatever it is, we pass by this life but once, try not live it without regrets. Do not leave with the thought that I could have lived my life better. =p