
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

28th March 2006 Tuesday

Haha... Guess I will respond to Avarian's tag..... So here it goes......

Five of Life's Simple Pleasures that I love most......

1) Watching the stars late in the dead of the night. I hate to use the word dead together with stars but somehow, it sounds apt here. Love the stars.

2) Watching late night movies with my friends then staying out chatting, waiting for the first bus to arrive. Been ages since I last done that. Anyone want to join me for this after the exams and before starting our hectic worklife?

3) Reading novels with a nice cup of coffee in an air conditioned cafe. I mean novels. I don't mean studying. Studying with coffee and reading novels with coffee is super different. The coffee for the former is supposed to wake you up. The coffee for the latter is for pure enjoyment. But I guess the function of the air conditioning is the same.

4) Watching the sea at night with a couple of close friends. Minus the mosquitoes if any. I haven't really done this yet. But I have always wanted to do so. I think it will be really nice and I will definitely love it. See how much I love the sea? I put it in my top five pleasures that I love without even trying it beforehand.

5) Listening to songs that I like. And I mean both Chinese and English songs. Yes. You did not see wrongly. I listen to English songs too. I mean I don't listen often to them but I do take note if I hear a nice one by any chance.

Okie. Let me see... I am supposed to tag five more people for them to complete this task too. So here goes....

1) Cathayanblood
2) Junyi
3) Kootz
4) Melody
5) Iris