
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

7th February 2006 Tuesday

Went to the temple to pray today. Was thinking that I have yet to go there to pray since I started this new semester so thought I might as well do it today since I am relatively free today. (Relatively free if you exclude the amount of readings that I am currently lagging. I think those readings could probably burst a ring file if they were ever put in one.) Anyway, ZX tagged along and pulled me along to Seiyu to shop for a book and a Valentine's Day card. That was only when I realised that Valentine's Day is exactly a week away! Not that I have anything to worry about for that day or anything like that. (In fact, poor me haven't even got any programs for that day. Anyone want to ask me out? Haha. Just kidding. I do have something on. Remember the ring file of readings that I mentioned only about a second ago? *Wink*) But I can't help but be a little more sentimental and think a little more whenever such occasions arrive. Anyway, that short shop at Seiyu and something that ZX said (or rather the way he said it) got me thinking. Got me thinking about what really is love or rather how do you really define "someone you love". Isn't it amazing that a word that gets repeated millions of times a day all around the world has yet to have a widely accepted meaning? Isn't it amazing how many people around the world wonder whether the person beside them is truly the one they love? So how would you define love? Or how would you define someone you love? To me, I don't really know how to define love. Or rather, whenever I come up with a definition, I'd probably get ten thousand people telling me that my definition is wrong. So what? I should look up a dictionary for that? Hmm. But I do have a personal definition for "that someone that you love" and I do hope that I won't get another ten thousand people shooting my definition down. My personal definition for someone you love is - someone who you want to share your happiness with. Some might ask - "How about the person you want to share your sadness with? Isn't that supposed to be the person that you love?" Amazingly, I would say no. The person that you want to share your sadness with is probably the person that you SHOULD love but he/she might not be the person that you love. I just can't bring myself to define the person that you only think of when you are sad as the person that you love. Hmm. I don't know. What do you think?