
Saturday, October 27, 2007

27th October 2007 Saturday

There is a self defence mechanism inside all of us. One that justifies all of our wrongs and makes our conscience feel better than it should. It brings out the smile on our faces even though deep down inside we know that the wrong was never ever corrected. It brings out words such as "Everyone makes mistakes. Who doesn't? I am not an exception"; "I had my good points and I am sure that would over-compensate for my wrongs"; "If he is a friend, he probably would understand"...

Each and everyone of us knew that there is such a self defence mechanism inside each and everyone of us. And we have probably used it at some point or another. However, we fail to see the fact that such a self defence mechanism applies to each and every person in addition to ourselves. We fail to see the fact that while we could self-justify our wrongs when others are hurt, others could also self-justify their wrongs when we are hurt. On hindsight, were all the wrongs really compensated? Were all the wrongs really accounted for and corrected. I guess only the one deep inside your heart has the answer...